LOVE YOUR SKIN. Everyone Deserves to Be Well-Groomed! Karina Shemchishina

- Код товара:
- 18108
- Автор:
- Карина Шемчишина
- Год издания:
- 2025
- Язык:
- английский
- Обложка:
- твердая
- Кол-во страниц:
- 108 стр.
- Формат:
- А5
- Есть в наличии:
- Да
- Вес:
Цена: 4600 тенге
0The book is a practical guide based on years of experience in aesthetic cosmetology. It is intended for ordinary users, beginner cosmetologists, and experienced professionals. It includes a more detailed description of skincare routines that are not commonly discussed. The book will teach you how to understand cosmetic products, read their ingredients, and apply them in the most effective way. The reader will be able to assess the quality of popular procedures and understand what services they should expect to receive for their money. The book is easy to read and accessible to everyone.
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